Thursday, May 7, 2009

Levi's Strauss

tahukah kwn2 asal usul seluar jeans yg korg pkai ari2 berjenama Levi's itu??
bknlah dr jin spt yg digembar - gemburkan...heeeee...

ini citer yg sbnrnyer..hahaha

In 1853, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods with the intention of opening a branch of his brother's New York dry goods business.

Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last.

Denim Blue Jeans

Levi Strauss & Company
In 1873, Levi Strauss & Company began using the pocket stitch design. Levi Strauss and Nevada tailor David Jacobs co-patented the process of putting rivets in pants for strength. On May 20, 1873, they received U.S.Patent No.139,121. This date is now considered the official birthday of "blue jeans." The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of identifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. All are registered trademarks


si diari hitam said...

g2 citernye...he3

asl rjin sgt ko mkaji psl nih??
bguih tul kwn aku sorg nie..hek3

-@m!R- said...

Mrs. amareka... luar levis..

atiekah said...

amereka mu..tgk mtv..hahahaha~~
akn ku igt ayt tu smpy bile2...
tp aku malaysiann..hoho...levi's wakaf che yeh jah amir..

-@m!R- said...

kalu levis wakaf ceh yeh xyoh nk geger2 la..
serabut jah.. kalu butik ko bleh kiro...

Mrs Amareka

atiekah said...

mu mr.amareka la gitu gakk..
dop geger pomm..
banggo la..aku ni rakyat wakaf che yeh..

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