16 october 2009
happy birthday sayang..
my sayang..
babe..i'm sorry for the late wish..not that i forget about it...
but because of i just can't helped it..
emy...as i would remember..she is the best among the best...its hard to find a friend that understand u not the outside but the inside..yes its her..even, i'll always try not to be sad in front of her, be like ok i'm the happy girl n i'm gonna cheer u up..coz everytime we meet she end up telling me the sad story..and i never felt like to tell her how sad i was and telling her something like 'babe,aku ade masalah la..tolong aku"..nope..its just not me..babe if u read dis..its not like i don't like to share my problem with u but...i have not much of problem then..huhu...
ok..penat ah speaking..saje nk touching2 pkai english..damn i'm sux at expressing myself trough english..heh..kau still speaking...okeh..hamizan adalah kwn baik sy sampai bila2..aku syg ko..n aku harap persahabatan kita xkn pernah putus..skang aku nk listkan sebab2 kenapa ko bbff(bestbestfrenforever) hahaha...
- ko adalah manusia senget yg sehati sejiwa ngan aku
- ko adalah sgt memahami aku..cthnye aku xsmpat bukak mulut lg ko da tahu perkataan mengarut ape yg nk kuar dr mulut aku..
- aku tahu ko syg aku juge..
- we shared everything togather..
- ok..aku da xtaw camne express feeling aku lg dah..
so emy...u r special to me...tp aku tahu skang aku da xslalu ade ngan ko..bile ko ade masalah aku xslalu ade..biler ko perlukn ade aku jauh dr ko..n on ur birthday also aku lmbt wish...adoii...n not even call you..sori babe..aku bkn bbff yg terbaik..tp aku jnji ngan ko..i'll make it up to u..i promise...kite kua mkn ns goreng kg pastu ltak lilin kat atas tu...okeh?????lilin tu pon aku still simpann...birthday present ko yg tahun lpas aku xbg2 lg..adoiiii..byk nk kne wat nih...hehe..aku da xtaw nk merepek ape lg nih...rs nk tepon ko skang!!tp xde cdt..huuuuuuuuu...
dear hamizan a.k.a emy
nota kecik: sgt2...rindu..raye ari tu xjumpe..cuti sem xjumpe..adoiiii
yang suke membebel: